Sunday, 29 May 2011

Analysis of three-day diet- Food Intake Asessment

Hello again (:

I have used one of the nutritional tools on the Health Promotion Board website- the Food Intake Assessment.

Period of Analysis: 26/05/2011 - 28/05/2011 
Energy (kcal)Carbohydrate (g)Protein (g)Total Fat (g)Saturated Fat (g)Cholesterol (mg)Calcium (mg)Dietary Fibre (g)Sodium (mg)
Average intake per day2,118283.769.678.632.2196.1689.219.54,186.6
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)2,042306.368.468.122.7204.21,000.020.41,362.0
% of recommendation met10493102115142966996307

Table showing the % of total calories of diet versus recommendation
  % of total energy intake
  Your diet Recommendation
Total Carbohydrates 54% 55 - 65%
Total Protein 13% 10 - 15%
Total Fat 33% 25 - 30%

Comparing with the recommended amount of energy intake by RDA, I've realized that my diet exceeds the amount of energy intake, proteins, fats and sodium. It particularly exceeds in my intake of sodium, since my average intake is 4,186.6 when the recommended daily intake should be 1,362.0 mg D: 
However, the tool also shows that I am lacking of enough carbohydrates, cholesterol, dietary fibre and most particularly calcium. I have noticed that I have a low average daily intake of calcium of 689.2 mg as compared to the recommended intake of 1,000 mg.  From the assessment results, I have also found out that without enough calcium, I may be at risk of developing osteoporosis and have weak and brittle bones. 
Measures that can be taken to have a healthier lifestyle
Total Fat Intake
- I can reduce my total fat in my diet by requesting for less oil/fats when eating outside food. Also, by requesting for the removal of visible fat and skin on meat, I can also cut down on my total fat intake. Instead of purchasing the normal milk, I found out that I can choose reduced fat dairy products instead of the full cream varieties. I have also realized that I consume Milo everyday as part of my breakfast. Perhaps I can change my drink to tea and add less sugar to it so as to cut down on my use of condensed milk and creamers and choose the healthier option of tea. 
Sodium Intake
- I can cut down on my sodium intake by gradually asking my mother to reduce the use of salt and sauces and maybe recommend for her to use natural seasonings such as herbs and spices. When eating outside of home, I can also reduce my sodium intake through requesting for less sauces or gravy in the food I eat. 
Calcium Intake
- I can increase the amount of calcium in my diet from a variety of sources. Some of them include consuming breads and biscuits, as well as leafy vegetables (which can increase my dietary fibre intake too!). I can also start the habit of drinking more milk that is high in calcium, such as soya bean milk.

That is all for this post!

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